你的位置:国外/美国服务器租用 国外服务器常见问题 LinuxVPS常见问题 正文
  1. 1美国独立服务器10G独享带宽不限流量,欧洲1G带宽独享,不限流量
  2. 2美国100M独享,洛杉矶 32GB内存 英特尔至强CPU,特价:1699元/月
  3. 3美国加州机房100M独享E3-1270,32G内存/96G内存,送KVM,1399元/月
  4. 4美国云服务器,8G内存,服务器CPU,4核心,特价699元/月,16G内存1299元
  5. 5美国G口抗攻击服务器,G口1000M独享带宽抗DDOS攻击服务器(至强Xeon E3 1230)
  6. 6国外G口带宽独享服务器,美国G口独享,欧洲G口独享服务器租用
  7. 7美国圣安娜KT服务器,加州KT服务器租用,KT独立服务器出租(特价799元/月)
  8. 8加州洛杉矶机房,中国访问速度最快的美国机房之一,999元/月,4G内存20M独享
  9. 9美国1G独享带宽,欧洲1G独享带宽租用(视频等大流量网站解决方案)
  10. 10凤凰城机房Phoenix服务器租用:7个机房4核I3,8G内存,30M独享带宽,首月999元
  1. 1美国SSD VPS租用,美国西海岸加州洛杉矶SSD VPS服务器,Linux/Windows
  2. 2内华达州VPS,拉斯维加斯VPS,拉斯维加斯服务器,内华达州服务器租用
  3. 3美国东海岸VPS,纽约服务器,曼哈顿云服务器,纽约VPS租用
  4. 4外贸VPS服务器,仿牌空间,仿牌主机,抗投诉VPS(外贸英文商城VPS)SSL证书安装服务
  5. 5美国Psychz电信直连VPS,中国访问速度最快的美国VPS,Psychz机房VPS
  6. 6Camforg专用VPS,美国Camforg多视频聊天软件VPS,Camforg服务器租用
  7. 7美国加州VPS,洛杉矶WebNX机房VPS,加州WN机房Windows VPS
  8. 8美国西雅图VPS,西雅图机房VPS,支持试用的VPS,VPS试用10元/天
  9. 9合租美国服务器,国外服务器合租,高端VPS服务器,完胜低配独立服务器的VPS
  10. 10抗攻击Windows VPS,不怕DDOS攻击的VPS,有攻击不关机,无攻击后2小时内恢复
Linux VPS使用资源超标,影响服务器,美国处理方式范例
  • 由于多个VPS共享同一个服务器的CPU,所以,如果您的VPS如果经常运行较多占资源的程序(比如进行大量的采集,定时运行的crontab程序不够严谨,几十万文件的压缩或rsync等等),可能会影响了整个服务器上其他的VPS。如果遇到这样的情况,美国方面如何处理呢? 下面是Linux VPS使用资源超标,影响服务器,美国处理方式的一个范例:


    VPS Heavy/Abusive User - Relocation Required

    RE: vps68.ctohome.com

    Please be advised that your VPS usage is currently affecting service to other clientele sharing the hardware node.

    Your service may have had to be suspended to cease such load on the hardware node, or it may be running excessively slow right now while still operational.

    Your VPS is causing a heavy load due to the sheer amount of processes, or resource intensive type of usage/processes. This not only slows down your own VPS, but all other VPS sharing the same system. This may not mean you are utilizing more than your allocated/purchased resources, although that is possible (in which case you may, or already have, receive a notice that you should upgrade your VPS package accordingly).

    To handle such issues, we has specifically set up hardware nodes to handle higher usage VPS accounts, such as yours. We would like to set you up a VPS on such a node, where you may continue to operate your service at such a usage level as you have been, without the worry of affecting the hardware node overall and/or other clientele as much. This however, would require us to set up a new VPS for you on the new hardware node, but would have different IP addresses as your current VPS. VPS primary IPs (two typically) cannot be relocated currently to new hardware nodes due to our specific network configuration on such. If required, we can leave your old node active (as long as the hardware node can handle it, as you may otherwise have to reduce load temporarily to do so...), so you may transfer data and/or wait for DNS to update/propagate. Otherwise, we can just remove/delete your old VPS, and create a fresh one for you on the new hardware node. Please advise how you would like to proceed with this, as soon as possible.

    NOTE: Typically this is a one time move/nuisance, and once moved to a hardware node specifically set up for such high-end usage, this should not be a concern moving forward.

    We appreciate your assistance with remedying this matter, and understanding our concerns.

    Please respond back to us as soon as possible, so we can attend to the issue as quickly as possible, as the issue is very well affecting service to other clientele, as well as your own service.

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