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  1. 1美国独立服务器10G独享带宽不限流量,欧洲1G带宽独享,不限流量
  2. 2美国100M独享,洛杉矶 32GB内存 英特尔至强CPU,特价:1699元/月
  3. 3美国加州机房100M独享E3-1270,32G内存/96G内存,送KVM,1399元/月
  4. 4美国云服务器,8G内存,服务器CPU,4核心,特价699元/月,16G内存1299元
  5. 5美国G口抗攻击服务器,G口1000M独享带宽抗DDOS攻击服务器(至强Xeon E3 1230)
  6. 6国外G口带宽独享服务器,美国G口独享,欧洲G口独享服务器租用
  7. 7美国圣安娜KT服务器,加州KT服务器租用,KT独立服务器出租(特价799元/月)
  8. 8加州洛杉矶机房,中国访问速度最快的美国机房之一,999元/月,4G内存20M独享
  9. 9美国1G独享带宽,欧洲1G独享带宽租用(视频等大流量网站解决方案)
  10. 10凤凰城机房Phoenix服务器租用:7个机房4核I3,8G内存,30M独享带宽,首月999元
  1. 1美国SSD VPS租用,美国西海岸加州洛杉矶SSD VPS服务器,Linux/Windows
  2. 2内华达州VPS,拉斯维加斯VPS,拉斯维加斯服务器,内华达州服务器租用
  3. 3美国东海岸VPS,纽约服务器,曼哈顿云服务器,纽约VPS租用
  4. 4外贸VPS服务器,仿牌空间,仿牌主机,抗投诉VPS(外贸英文商城VPS)SSL证书安装服务
  5. 5美国Psychz电信直连VPS,中国访问速度最快的美国VPS,Psychz机房VPS
  6. 6Camforg专用VPS,美国Camforg多视频聊天软件VPS,Camforg服务器租用
  7. 7美国加州VPS,洛杉矶WebNX机房VPS,加州WN机房Windows VPS
  8. 8美国西雅图VPS,西雅图机房VPS,支持试用的VPS,VPS试用10元/天
  9. 9合租美国服务器,国外服务器合租,高端VPS服务器,完胜低配独立服务器的VPS
  10. 10抗攻击Windows VPS,不怕DDOS攻击的VPS,有攻击不关机,无攻击后2小时内恢复
Softlayer服务器的Static IP和Portable IP区别
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  • Softlayer的机房,可以说是美国最豪华顶级的机房了。拥有softlayer的服务器,那是多么值得高兴的事情。Softlayer服务器的IP有Static IP和Portable IP区别。www.ctohome.com简单的解释下: Portable IP就是我们常见的IP段。有网关,子网掩码,广播地址 3个IP浪费,无法真正利用他们来做网站。而 Static IP 可以免去网关,子网掩码,广播地址3个IP浪费,让你可用的IP最大化。比如/29 Portable IP 可用IP是5个,而Static IP可用IP是8个。 根据softlayer的说法,Static IP是他们的默认方式,只有Portable IP才可以在vm/vps中使用。所以,你在申请IP的时候,要注意了,如果要做vps业务,必须申请Portable IP。

    如果您需要购买SoftLayer服务器,请参考Softlayer服务器 (8GB大内存,1G独享带宽,300M不限流量,至强CPU)

    SoftLayer currently offers 2 different types of IP blocks, Static and Portable. The different types of IP blocks are designed to be used in different ways. Below is a brief description on each type of block that is offered by SoftLayer as well as a section on using these IP addresses within a Virtual Machine.


    Static IP Block

    The most popular type of IP block within the SoftLayer network is the Static IP block. A Static IP block is a block of IP’s that are routed directly to a specific IP on our network. Every IP address in a Static block is usable on the server. One of the primary benefits to a Static block of IP’s is that you do not lose the first two and last IP from the block. Below is an example of a small Static IP block

    · – Usable Address

    · – Usable Address

    · – Usable Address

    · – Usable Address

    As this example shows, all 4 IP’s in this block would be available to the server, while with a potable block, only a single IP from this block would actually be useable on the server due to the network, gateway and broadcast IP’s being bound directly to the VLAN.

    Portable IP Block

    A SoftLayer Portable IP block is considered to be any IP block that can be used on multiple servers within a single VLAN concurrently. We currently offer two different types of Portable IP blocks. The first type of Portable IP block is a “Routed to VLAN” block. This is a Static IP block that is routed to an entire VLAN rather than a specific IP address. The other type of Portable IP Block is “Secondary on VLAN”. A Secondary on VLAN block is designed to be used within a Virtual Environment.

    The primary difference between the two is the number of IP’s that are available for use. A Routed to VLAN block, like a static block provides the user access to all IPs within the block. A Secondary on VLAN block however requires that the Network, Gateway and Broadcast IP’s be bound directly to the VLAN rendering them unusable by the user. A Routed to VLAN block would be used when the user wanted to use any IP within that block on any server within the VLAN at any time. The Secondary on VLAN block is used in conjunction with a Virtual Machine. More information on Secondary on VLAN blocks is provided under the IP’s for Virtual Machines section.

    When ordering a Portable IP block, by default SoftLayer will provide you with a Secondary on VLAN block. If you wish to have this block converted to a Routed to VLAN block for use on your servers within a single VLAN, please open a support ticket requesting that this block be converted to a Routed to VLAN block

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