virtualmin/webmin创建虚拟服务器失败:已存在一个同样IP地址的ProFTPd虚拟服务器是怎么回事?这是因为你在创建网站的时候,选择了 “ 基于IP的虚拟FTP已启用?” 不要选择他就可以了。之前创建的网站,修改一下,把 “ 基于IP的虚拟FTP已启用?” 前面的勾去掉,保存。提醒下,在开设新网站的时候,输入域名和密码就可以了,其他的不理解的不要去修改它。如下图:
什么是 “ 基于IP的虚拟FTP已启用”
This feature is only needed if you want to provide name-based access to an anonymous FTP server. Almost no one needs this feature to be enabled (that probably means you). You do not need to enable this feature if you just want to provide FTP access for the domain owner account, as any user with a shell accou nt will automatically have FTP access to their home directory. In other words: You almost certainly don't need this, even if you think maybe you do.Setup IP-based virtual FTP?
When this feature is enabled, a ProFTPd virtual server will be created for this Virtualmin virtual server. This can be used to set up an anonymous FTP site that is private to this server. However, it requires that the server have its IP address.